Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Google is taking over my (online) world

Help!!! Google is slowly invading my life!!

Chrome is my primary web browser.

I have scores of blogs, some maintained, mostly neglected, in Blogger. When I am in the mood I can delve into the narcissistic world of blogging and only emerge after hours.

I use Google as my dictionary and translator. I use Google Docs to collaborate, Webmaster to monitor.

I'm too lazy to go through news site so I use Google reader.

I check out YouTube all the time.

My GoogleWave is on all the time and I get excited over every logo change in Google.

I am waiting for the chance to get my hands on the googlephone (nexus) as soon as it's available.

The only non-Google presence equally important in my life is my Twitter feed. But then a lot of my sources' tweets also seem to be Google-related in one way or the other...

Pathetic. LOL

my m4sh3d up life

Let's see. How many users out there go by the profile of m4sh3d? I did a Google this morning and found out a number of matches in the gaming community.

Testing to see whether this site appears as number 1 in Google :P

Monday, December 7, 2009

playing around with pottery

We've been taking pottery classes for some time and the time has come to reap the fruits of our 'labor'; finally we get our chance to fool around at the wheel ;)

Last week the basic ceramic bowls were already created and left to harden slightly. Now it's time to, ahem, refine the shapes.
Before transformation - a set of sorry looking bowls.

Some random picture inserted here :x

Finally, our completed babies - a marked improvement

Earlier we 'sent' a few items for glazing and this is the finished product. Nice teacup set. Not-so-nice plate set.
Still a long way to go, towards mastering the art of pottery. sigh.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

rainy day

One rainy afternoon. Wish I had a nice cup of coffee next to me right now...

photo given the soft glow treatment with my bestie of the moment - GIMP

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

the lamp post, the building, and the clouds

Sunny day in georgetown. I happened to look up and saw the inviting blue sky - the next thing I knew, I was whipping out my trusty little camera... :">

both shots of the sky are taken from the hip, in front of the Mini / Auto Bavaria showroom.

I enhanced both pictures using GIMP - nothing much, just increased the color balance for colors blue and red.

I liked the way the advertorials were painted directly on the building (below) so I captured one shot. Given my current fixation on Lomo, I did a bit of enhancement using the Lomo tool with the "Light Blue" effect.

End of story.
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