Wednesday, March 9, 2011

DQL to get all renditions associated with a document

Was trying to deleted unwanted renditions in Documentum when I came across this annoying message:
"You cannot delete the primary rendition"

So it happens that I have TWO pdf renditions for one document and I am unable to remove the older one as both renditions had the same name. I ended up having to delete it using DQL Editor.

1. Get the r_object_id of document
select * from dm_document where object_name = 'XXXXX.doc'

2. Get all renditions associated with that document
select * from dmr_content where any parent_id='09000578802351ee' and full_format='pdf'

3. Identify the non-primary rendition(s). The Physical path is probably pointing to some cache directory in the results from (2).

4. To remove any unwanted renditions:
DELETE dmr_content object WHERE r_object_id = '06000578802136ef'

1 comment:

Um gajo (diletante) said...

Thanks a lot for sharing that info. It was useful for me

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