Monday, April 30, 2018

Using secure configuration properties in Mule 4


The enterprise edition of Mule runtime comes equipped with a Secure Configuration Properties module which is a very neat tool that allows you to hide your keys from prying eyes.
Here is an example of how you could:
  • encrypt strings or entire files
  • reference encrypted properties stored in a file
  • decrypt them with a master key;
  • and use those values to connect to Salesforce cloud to retrieve a list of Accounts.

This article assumes that you have a Salesforce developer account, and possess basic knowledge of Anypoint Studio 7 and various Mule concepts.

1. Get the tool ready, and prepare your encrypted values
Come up with your master key. For this demo I am using My$ecr3tK3y!!
Open DOS and change directory to the folder where your jar file is located.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Create a domain project in Mule 4

A domain project comes in handy when you want to share resources across different Mule projects in your hosted on-premise Mule Runtime.

In Mule Runtime 4, the resources that can be shared are: 
  • VM
  • TLS Context
  • JMS and JMS Caching Connection
  • Database
  • WMQ
  • JBoss, Bitronix Transaction Manager

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Invoke static custom Java methods in Mule 4

This example demonstrates how to use Mule 4's Java method to invoke a custom static method with 2 arguments. The custom class is reused from this post: Define and consume custom Java methods using Dataweave 2.0 in Mule 4.

Tips when working with custom java classes in Mule 4:
  1. Include your custom namespace in mule-artifact.json
  2. If you are making references to third party libraries, include them as maven dependencies in pom.xml

This is a simple example using a HTTP Listener to listen for POST requests to http://localhost:8081/list-files2

Define and consume custom Java methods with Dataweave 2.0 in Mule 4

With the introduction of a brand-new Java module in Mule 4, it is now possible to invoke Java classes in a more straightforward manner from the flow or in Dataweave 2.0 itself.

Here is a simple demonstration of file manipulation using custom Java classes and methods in Mule Anypoint Studio 7.1. This step-by-step tutorial shows how to:
1. Create a custom java class to list files recursively for a local or shared network path
2. Invoking this class from Mulesoft Dataweave 2.0 transformations, and filter information.

There is a dependency on apache commons-io, log4j and joda-time as I will be reusing some methods for file manipulation.
You can find the jar file or maven references here:

1. Create your Mule project and add maven dependency
Download the apache commons-io jar file, or alternatively include the reference in your maven pom.xml file.
For this example, I am going to include it as a maven dependency. Copy and paste the code below and include it between the dependencies node in pom.xml, before the closing node:

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