Monday, January 4, 2010


How valuable is life?
I was suddenly struck by this question when I opened an email forwarded to me. The title was plain and did not give away the graphic contents of the attached video.
In the short clip, a Vietnamese in a police uniform was shown. His arms were flailing about and he kept glancing down in disbelief; if the movie is real, then I was viewing at a person who had just been run over by a heavy vehicle. His lower torso, detached from his body, was a few inches away and flattened.
What made me sad was the way bystanders were treating him like a freak or some circus animal as they stood nearby chattering. One even ventured forward and flicked at the man's hands as if to prove this man is still alive! wtf...
How fucked up we all are inside, to view a clip of a man in deep pain in the light of entertainment? Something is just not right :(

To pray that the man would be a survivor would smack of hypocrisy. After all, I, too, was guilty of having stolen a few moments of entertainment.
God help us all..

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